Legal information

Legal information

This website and the domain name associated with it are the property of WINSOL. Consultation or use of this site involves the full acceptance of the current terms and conditions and the exclusive applicability thereof.

Intellectual property rights

The content of this website may be protected by one or several intellectual property rights. Consultation of this website and its content is restricted to personal use only, and excludes any commercial use. Unless specifically specified otherwise, the user may not reproduce the content of this website in any way or through any means (barring technically necessary reproductions for the consultation of the website) or publicly disseminate it. Where reproduction is permitted, the user must undertake to strictly respect the restrictions that are imposed and to always clearly state the source and provide adequate copyright and ownership notices.


Notwithstanding the fact that the service provider has taken the greatest care and does its utmost to provide quality materials, information and services on this website, they are provided on an ‘as is’ basis. Winsol cannot guarantee (not even implicitly) the accuracy, the marketability, the suitability for a specific purpose or the non-violation of any right of a third party, including the intellectual property rights of third parties. The materials and services on this website may be outdated and may no longer correspond to current information. All the stated product features or prices are provided by way of information, without any obligation.

Brands, trade names and company names

All the product and company names, service or brand names, trade names, company names, logos and visuals on this site may be protected under copyright law, trademark law, company law or other legislation and must be treated as such.

Links to other websites that are not the property of Winsol

Links on this website that refer to other websites are provided for your information only. WINSOL cannot be held liable for the content of these websites nor cannot it be held liable for the information on these websites in any form whatsoever. If you decide to use these links, you do this on your own responsibility and at your own risk.

Winsol respects your privacy

Winsol attaches great importance to respecting the right to privacy of the users of this website and complies with the provisions of the GDPR. Read the our privacy policy to find out more about this.

Complaints and disputes

The mere use and consultation of this website implies acceptance by the user that any dispute shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district where WINSOLs registered office is located. Belgian law, to the exclusion of Belgian international private law, shall always be exclusively applicable.